- A kind of Black American dance music originally from southern Louisiana, typically featuring accordion and guitar.
Example Sentences
“The zydeco poured out of the concert hall and into the street.”
“No Mardi Gras party is complete without a zydeco soundtrack.”
“Will there be zydeco playing at the cookout?”
Word Origin
Louisiana Creole, 1960s
Why this word?
Zydeco is exuberant dance music, from the Black Creole culture of southwest Louisiana. The word is believed to come from the French word “les haricots” (pronounced lay-ZAH-ree-coe). The full phrase “les haricots sont pas salés” (the green beans are not salty) appeared in many traditional Creole folk songs. It was a metaphor for times being so hard that people couldn’t afford to season their food, and those traditional songs evolved into zydeco dance music.
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