- A student or lover of archery.
- Relating to archers and archery.
Example Sentences
“Therese celebrated her Olympic qualification after two decades of training as a toxophilite.”
“I was a toxophilite in college, so I can help you pick out a new bow. “
“I want to pick up a new fitness hobby, so I joined a local toxophilite club.”
Word Origin
British English, late 18th century
Why this word?
Evidence of humans using bows and arrows dates back to the Paleolithic Period (around 10,000 BCE), but the word “toxophilite” comes from the title of a 16th-century treatise on archery, dedicated to King Henry VIII. It comes from a combination of the Greek words “toxon” (“bow”) and “philos” (“loving”). “Toxophilite” can be used as either a noun or an adjective, referring to the people who practice the sport of archery.
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