- Self-styled; so-called.
Example Sentences
“The soi-disant social media expert had only 100 followers on Instagram.”
“Her soi-disant expertise in cryptocurrency didn’t prevent her from losing money on the latest coin.”
“Our restaurant’s soi-disant master chef had never worked in a professional kitchen before coming here.”
Word Origin
French, mid-18th century
Why this word?
Have you ever come across someone who pretends to have credentials they didn’t earn? You might hear this adjective used to describe them as a “soi-disant expert.” The French term translates literally as “oneself” (“soi”) “saying” (“disant”). When this term began to be used in English in the mid-1700s, it had a tone of deception. However, “soi-disant” doesn’t always have to be used in a negative sense. You could just as easily use it to give someone credit for their self-earned knowledge on a subject outside of traditional education. It’s all in your perspective.
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