- A minor entertainment or diversion.
- (Ballet) A short dance within a ballet that displays a dancer’s technical skill without advancing the plot or character development.
Example Sentences
“Between the main acts, the circus presented a divertissement of juggling clowns.”
“The podcast was a welcome divertissement during her long commute.”
“What started as simple divertissement turned into a serious hobby for the amateur painter.”
Word Origin
French, early 18th century
Why this word?
This word came into English in the early 18th century as a ballet term — a divertissement is a short dance within a larger ballet, intended to showcase a dancer’s skill without being a part of the larger story. For example, in “The Nutcracker,” Act 2 features several divertissements, including the Spanish Dance, the Arabian Dance, and the Waltz of the Flowers. Later, people began to use the word “divertissement” for any minor entertainment or distraction — it could be a performer between acts at a festival, or the word game you play on your phone while in a waiting room.
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