



  • (In Jungian psychology) The feminine part of a man’s personality.
  • (Philosophy) The soul, especially the irrational part of the soul, as distinguished from the rational mind.

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Example Sentences

“Steve started to get in touch with his anima through playing with his daughters.”

“My meditation practice focuses on nourishing the anima.”

“After working with a therapist, Terrence realized he had long been suppressing his anima.”

Word Origin

Latin, 1920s

Why this word?

“Anima” was coined by famed psychoanalyst Carl Jung, adopted from the feminine form of the Latin “animus,” meaning “the rational soul; life; the mental powers, intelligence.” Jung also came up with a counterpart for this word: “animus,” which describes the masculine part of a woman’s personality. He claimed these concepts represent a person’s “true self” rather than the persona we often present to others. The combined anima and animus are known as “syzygy,” which represents unification and wholeness. Jung also suggested that discouraging men from exploring their feminine aspects, and vice versa, ultimately undermines healthy psychological development.

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