- The use of a word from one word class or part of speech as if it were from another; in English typically the use of a noun as if it were a verb.
Example Sentences
“The startup world loves to turn nouns into verbs, making antimeria a common feature of tech jargon.”
“‘Please don’t Google me’ is an example of antimeria in modern language.”
“My final paper was marked off five points because I used several antimeria my professor didn’t recognize as standard verbs.”
Word Origin
Latin, late 16th century
Why this word?
“I don’t want to adult today.” “Have you ever Googled yourself?” If you’ve uttered one of these examples, congratulations — you’re an expert at antimeria. That’s the name for the linguistic concept of using a word that is normally one part of speech as if it were another. In English, it most often happens by turning nouns into verbs. Antimeria is often called “verbing,” which is an easier way to remember this idea.
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