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- A person who travels on foot.
Example Sentences
“A wayfarer arrived just before the desk clerk was about to leave the hostel for the night.”
“I prefer to be a wayfarer on my first day in a new city because I can see more on foot than in a taxi or on a bus.”
“Pack comfortable shoes, because we’ll be wayfarers for most of our sightseeing days.”
Word Origin
English, early 15th century
Why this word?
The word “wayfarer” is a fancy way to describe someone who travels by foot, but it can also be used a bit more broadly for someone traveling by road. The important part is that the traveler is on the ground, as opposed to in the air or on the sea. The word was created in Middle English as a mash-up of two words: “way,” meaning “a road or a path,” and “farer,” meaning “traveler.” The related term “seafaring,” meaning “traveling by sea,” is more commonly used now than “wayfarer,” but the poetic term for traveling by foot is a useful one to keep in your travelogue.
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