- Recurring every five years; lasting for or relating to a period of five years.
Example Sentences
“The quinquennial survey showed changes in the community over many years.”
“My parents are such lovebirds that they renew their vows on a quinquennial basis.”
“Quinquennial legislation ensures the provisions last for five years.”
Word Origin
Latin, late 15th century
Why this word?
“Biennial” and “biannual” are easily confused: “Biennial” means every two years, and “biannual” means twice a year. “Annual” is an easy one to remember, as is “centennial.” You’re likely to say “every three or four years,” but “triennial” and “quadrennial” are pretty easy to figure out. However, denoting five years is a bit trickier. “Quinquennial” follows the same pattern, and it comes from the Latin “quinque,” meaning “five.”
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