- Yielding or producing honey.
Example Sentences
“A patch of melliferous flowers in Clint’s backyard seemed to attract every bee in the county.”
“Behind the restaurant, there was a patio surrounded by melliferous flowers.”
“My melliferous hive can produce about 50 pounds of honey a year.”
Word Origin
Latin, mid-17th century
Why this word?
“Melliferous” means “producing honey,” but it doesn’t apply just to bees and their hives. The adjective also applies to the plants that produce the substances collected by bees. It comes from the Latin “mellifer” (“honey bearing”), with “mel” meaning “sweet” and “fer” meaning “bearing.” The word is similar to the better-known adjective “mellifluous,” which means “sweet or musical; pleasant to hear” and is sometimes used to describe voices and sounds.
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