- A pet name or diminutive form of a name.
- Of the nature of a pet name or diminutive form of a name.
Example Sentences
“She thought it was too soon to use a hypocoristic name with her new boyfriend.”
“The father of eight came up with a hypocoristic for each child.”
“Jonathan’s family calls him by the hypocoristic Johnny.”
Word Origin
Greek, mid-19th century
Why this word?
The appearance of this word doesn’t match the simple definition. “Hypocoristic” (used as either a noun or an adjective) refers to a pet name or shortened version of someone’s name. A hypocoristic might be “sweetie,” or it could be “Carrie” instead of “Caroline.” The related term “hypocorism” is another word for “baby talk,” referring to the simplistic language some adults use when speaking to babies and young children. These linguistic terms come from the Greek “hupokorizesthai,” meaning “play the child.” “Hupo” translates to “under,” and “korē” means “child.”
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