- (The hyaline) A thing that is clear and translucent like glass, especially a smooth sea or a clear sky.
- Having a glassy, translucent appearance.
- Relating to, consisting of, or characterized by hyaline material.
Example Sentences
“In my zoology class, we examined a glass frog’s anatomy through its hyaline skin.”
“The airplane dipped and soared through the hyaline.”
“The sea was so still and clear that it appeared hyaline.”
Word Origin
Latin, mid-17th century
Why this word?
Something described as hyaline has a glassy, translucent appearance. Even some organisms with a semitranslucent appearance are called hyaline. Jellyfish, perhaps one of the world’s most recognizably hyaline organisms, are not fish. Instead, they are very simple invertebrates that are 95% water and lack internal organs beyond a nervous system called a “nerve net.” These attributes help give jellyfish their ethereal, hyaline appearance.
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