- Moving sideways, typically in an awkward way.
- To, toward, or from the side, typically in an awkward way.
Example Sentences
“Roberto’s dodgeball technique was to move crabwise without taking his eyes off his opponents.”
“We were forced to take crabwise steps while attempting to shimmy into the cramped space.”
“Celine had to squeeze into her car crabwise after the blizzard made it impossible to fully open her door.”
Word Origin
English, early 20th century
Why this word?
Crabs are capable of moving forward, but their leg joints make it far easier for them to move quickly by darting left or right. Because they’re the only animal famous for moving in this manner, “crabwise” is an evocative description of sideways motion. The word traces back to the Old English “crabba,” which hails from the Germanic “krabben,” meaning “to scratch, claw,” and the suffix “-wise,” which means “in the manner of.” “Crab walking” is also an exercise you can perform by raising yourself off the ground from a seated position so only your hands and feet touch the floor. From there, you can use your hands and feet to walk yourself from side to side in an especially crabwise motion.
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