- A comment or brief reference that makes an illuminating or entertaining point.
Example Sentences
“With his seemingly bottomless capacity for a witty aperçu, Tobias was always a welcome party guest.”
“I subscribed to a famous quotes email, hoping to improve my ability to call up a quick aperçu.”
“My favorite comedian has a dry sense of humor and many aperçus he’s known for.”
Word Origin
French, early 19th century
Why this word?
“Aperçu” is based on the French word for “perceiving,” and in English, an aperçu is a witty or entertaining turn of phrase. More specifically, it offers a different perception of a situation, or gives an amusing viewpoint on life. For example, American writer Dorothy Parker was famous for her surprising wit. She is remembered for aperćus such as, “There’s a hell of a distance between wisecracking and wit. Wit has truth in it; wisecracking is simply calisthenics with words.”
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