- (Of a person) Having an unemotional and stolidly calm disposition.
Example Sentences
“Patrick has a phlegmatic temperament; he doesn’t anger easily.”
“Some people mask their emotions behind a more phlegmatic exterior.”
“Queen Elizabeth II of England was known for her usually phlegmatic demeanor.”
Word Origin
Latin, mid-14th century
Why this word?
This word originates from the Old French “fleumatique,” which derives from the Greek “phlegmatikos,” meaning “inflammation.” Whereas “inflammation” is a bodily reaction to injury or infection, phlegmatic people are noted for their lack of reaction. These stoic people may be said to have a “stiff upper lip” in Britain, but the phlegmatic philosophy is rooted in ancient Greece. The Spartans developed a strict culture of discipline that would one day act as inspiration for the British public school system.
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