- A bud or young shoot.
- Begin to grow or increase rapidly; flourish.
- Put forth young shoots; bud.
Example Sentences
“The market for feminist literature has burgeoned over the last five years.”
“Austin’s suburbs continue to burgeon, thanks to trendy music, dining, and tech scenes.”
“The flower bed has several burgeons that popped up overnight.”
Word Origin
Old French, mid-14th century
Why this word?
The very first usage of “burgeon” might have been related to tufts of wool sprouting. “Burgeon” stems from the Old French “bourgeonner,” meaning “put out buds,” and that is based on the Latin “burra,” meaning “wool.” However, the Oxford English Dictionary notes that in the 18th century, “burgeon” was solely related to the world of gardening. In this context, “burgeon” means “to bloom.” The word then began to acquire a new usage in the poetry of the 19th century. To this literary audience, burgeoning, blossoming, and sprouting equated to flourishing, or growing rapidly.
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