- Of or belonging to the time before the biblical flood.
- (Mainly humorous) Ridiculously old-fashioned.
Example Sentences
“The marker of the end of the antediluvian age is the story of Noah’s Ark in the Book of Genesis.”
“I try to keep up with slang, but I worry that using it makes me sound antediluvian instead of cool.”
“The decor at the bed-and-breakfast was so outdated, it was nearly antediluvian.”
Word Origin
Latin, mid-17th century
Why this word?
The Latin construction of “antediluvian” translates directly to “before a flood,” and in the mid-17th century, the word entered theological service to refer specifically to the time period before the biblical flood. The antediluvian age is a symbolic line in the sand for the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The word “antediluvian” is now used colloquially to refer to things humorously old-fashioned.
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