



  • A plant that takes two years to grow from seed to fruition and die. Compare with “annual,” “perennial.”
  • An event celebrated or taking place every two years.


  • Taking place every other year.
  • (Especially of a plant) Living or lasting for two years.

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Example Sentences

“The art museum holds a biennial reception for members.”

“I don’t want to plant every year, so I try to choose biennials for my landscaping.”

“At the biennial reception, I saw friends I hadn’t seen in two years.”

Word Origin

Latin, early 17th century

Why this word?

“Biennial” is based on the Latin term “biennis,” which combines “bi-,” meaning “two,” and “annus,” meaning “year.” This term means “every other year,” but it’s often confused with “biannual,” which means “twice a year.” In the contemporary art world, “biennial” describes art exhibitions that occur every two years. The tradition started with the Venice Biennale, founded in 1895. Today, “biennales” — Italian for “biennials” — refers to a series of major art shows that take place every two years in cities including New York City, Shanghai, Moscow, Vancouver, Jakarta, Havana, and Adelaide.

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