



  • Relating to mental activity or the intellect.

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Example Sentences

“Her paintings are beautiful, but they evoke a noetic response as well.”

“Noah was equally involved in athletic and noetic extracurricular activities.”

“After years in a corporate job, I was excited to enter a noetic environment by going back to school.”

Word Origin

Greek, mid-17th century

Why this word?

The word “noetic” comes from the Greek “noētos,” meaning “intellectual.” As a general adjective, “noetic” can be applied to anything involving intellectual thinking or cognition. Astronaut Edgar Mitchell co-founded the Institute of Noetic Sciences in 1973 after he completed the Apollo 14 moon landing. He said that his experiences in space sent him into a meditative trance, and he wanted to explore that phenomenon. The institute conducts research on noetic topics including consciousness-based health care, spontaneous remission, distance healing, ESP, and alternative healing practices.

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